module: acounts.models

class accounts.models.UserProfile(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Additional data on top of Django User model

always_approve = None

if true, all HITs always get approved for this user (but the user still has to wait for consensus to get the feedback about their quality)

block(reason='', save=True)

Block a user from performing all MTurk tasks. Note that Amazon is not contacted and the worker’s account is not flagged.

blocked = None

block user (only locally; not on mturk)

blocked_reason = None

reason for blocking – this will be displayed to the user

exclude_from_aggregation = None

randomly exclude some users to measure their test error

mturk_worker_id = None

Mechanical Turk Worker ID


Unblock a user (undo the self.block() operation).


Django user instance (contains username, hashed password, etc). This also forms the primary key, so User and UserProfile instances have the same primary key.

accounts.models.create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs)