
See Getting Started for installation instructions.

Running the webserver

1) Run celery

The server delegates certain tasks to celery, which should be running at all times.

In a separate window (or tmux session), run ./scripts/ <concurrency>, where concurrency is the number of workers (you only need 1-4, at most half the number of cores). This will be left open permanently. This is not run as a background daemon since you cannot run it indefinitely when in debug mode, and you may want to frequently restart the service and/or view its current output.

Optional: Running without celery

Note that for debug purposes, you can run all asynchronous tasks synchronously by editing the file server/config/ and setting:


In this mode, the server will run more slowly but a worker is not necessary.

2) Run the server

You can then run the webserver a couple of different ways. I recommend the first method while developing / exploring the code.

private debug mode (with runserver)

The easiest way to debug the server is with:


and visit localhost:8000 in the browser (to use a port other than 8000, run ./scripts/ <port>). In this mode, the website is only visible to your machine, and only one user can view the website at a time. Stack traces are viewable in the browser. If you make code changes, the webserver should auto-restart.

This script sets DEBUG = True (in server/config/, kills any publicly running server, and then starts a Django server (runserver) as the server user. Note that you cannot run as the local user since static files (created dynamically) need to be saved with the correct owner.

public debug mode (with nginx and gunicorn)

With DEBUG = True (in server/config/, you can also run with gunicorn and nginx. This will serve pages publicly. This is useful when you were in production mode, but temporarily want to debug some problem on a remote server. As with the above mode, stack traces are displayed in the web browser. To automatically set DEBUG = True, and enable nginx/gunicorn (if disabled), you can run:


In this mode, you can also profile how well your code is running by setting DEBUG_TOOLBAR = True (in server/config/ See Sytem architecture for information on how to start/stop nginx and gunicorn.

production mode (with nginx and gunicorn)

When in production mode (e.g. running MTurk experiments or hosting the final webserver), you should set DEBUG = False and ENABLE_CACHING = True (in server/config/ To automatically set these variables, enable nginx (if disabled), and restart gunicorn, you can run:


In production mode, stack traces are emailed to the ADMINS variable in server/config/ See Sytem architecture for information on how to start/stop nginx and gunicorn.


You should not run in debug for long periods of time (e.g. weeks or months), since every query executed is retained in memory. Eventually you will run out of memory.

Making changes to the code

Whenever you change any python code, html templates, static files, etc., you need to restart/notify the appropriate server components:

flush caches

Run the following script to update static files, restart gunicorn, flush memcached, and rebuild the docs:


After flushing the cache, the first view for each page will be very slow (the home page is the slowest, at ~20s). You can pre-emptively visit the main pages with the command:


Note that you can disable HTML caching by setting ENABLE_CACHING = False (in server/config/ With caching disabled and DEBUG = True, you only need to run scripts/ after modifying static files (css, js, less, etc).

update celery worker

If you modify code that runs on celery (anything in a <app>/ file), you need to restart the celery worker.

Kill the worker you started with ./scripts/ and start a new one.